Upcoming 13SEAS Events!!!!
- Tea Hour- Every Friday 12:30-2pm in 5-314
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
COPUS Mixer/Science Outreach Night @ MIT Museum
FREE and open to all. No alcohol will be served without ID.
Sponsors: MIT Museum, COPUS-Boston Hub
For more information, contact:
museuminfo@mit.edu or 617-253-5927
THIS FRIDAY from 5:00-8:00 P.M.
Presenters include:
Biogen Idec Community Lab
BU School of Medicine CityLab
Cambridge Science Festival
Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT
Classroom Encounters
COSEE-New England
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Life
Ginkgo BioWorks
Global Poverty Initiative at MIT
HMS Office for Diversity and Community Partnership
Middle East Education through Technology
MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering
MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
MIT Public Service Center
MIT Sea Grant College Program
MIT Teacher Ed Program
NOVA scienceNOW
Science Club for Girls
Tech and Culture Forum at MIT
Understanding Science
Hope to see a lot of you there!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Could you be an Engineer-Diver?
On Thursday, October 2nd Mr. Rocelio Morales-Garcia will be giving a presentation at 12pm in 5-314. The talk in entitled "Engineer-Diver: A new frontier for engineers".
The idea of engineers performing their work underwater (either offshore or inland) is getting more relevance these days; the near future announces new challenges waiting in the deep. Therefore, it is important to prepare the next generation of engineers that will research, develop and implement solutions in this new frontier. A commercial diving training might be the first step to lead the way to this goal, providing a safer and powerful tool. This seminar will explain the concept, importance and possibilities of this new profession.
Mr. Morales-Garcia is a Metallurgical Engineer (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2001),
Professional Commercial Diver (Divers Institute of Technology, 2001) and a Master in Physics of Non Destructive Testing (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2008). He was a guest student in Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) with Prof. Hanumant Singh in 2008, and will be an International Guest at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) working in Underwater Augmented Reality starting in 2009. He is also a member of the ADCI Engineering-Diving Committee, IEEE, and MTS. His research is concerned with the design and development of underwater visual inspection systems for commercial diving, ROVs, and AUVs applications. He is also interested in ways to improve the visibility and work conditions for divers and of course in the development and promotion of the Engineer-Diver profession.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
13Seas Wins the MTS Outstanding Student Section Award
The Marine Technology Society’s Student Section at MIT (13Seas) was honored with the Outstanding Student Section Award at the society’s annual Awards Luncheon September 16 during the OCEANS’08 MTS/IEEE Quebec City Conference in Canada. MTS is an international organization of marine scientists, technicians, educators and policy makers. This is the third year in a row the section has won the award.
The student section, through its website, newsletter and e-mail, keeps its members posted on events, highlights student research and offers students a tight community to further their success. This year the section coordinated several sessions with companies interested in hiring students. The section continues to increase undergraduate participation in events, and this year the leadership is dominated by undergraduates, including one freshman.
The Marine Technology Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit professional society. Incorporated in 1963, it provides the ocean community with forums for the exchange of information and ideas through its peer-reviewed MTS Journal, conferences, newsletter, website (www.mtsociety.org), technical interest groups and local section activities.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Making Waves Goes Digital
We're still going to feature articles about research and life in MIT Ocean Engineering, but we think that this new format will be a great improvement. Now, we can publish articles when they are the most timely rather than having to coordinate the timing of several articles. We plan to offer links to sites where you can read more about the articles we feature, a section where you can read about and contact our sponsors, and a place for posting things that are just generally cool. Plus, you'll be able to post comments about our articles so you can discuss things with other readers. The plan is to periodically send out e-mail reminders whenever we accrue a substantial amount of new content, but you should still bookmark us and check in regularly. Heck, you could even make us your homepage, we'd be very flattered.
If you'd like us to post something or feature something, just e-mail MakingWavesBlog@gmail.com and expect to hear from us soon. Also, if you'd like to be placed on a mailing list which will receive notices when we post new things, e-mail us and let us know. Finally, this blog opens up a lot of new opportunities for 13SEAS, so many that we definitely haven't thought of all of its possible uses. If you've got an idea, let us know!
Rachel Price (Reporter) and your other Stalwart 13SEAS Officers