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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Current Status of Tidal Power Generation

This is the first part of the first portion of a multi-part series featuring papers on OE-related topics by students from the 2.65 class. The series is intended to raise interest and awareness of ocean energy research at MIT and in the world. This first section will be on Tidal Power generation and is written by James Modisette, a graduate student in course 16. His sources and the full-text with citations are available upon request.

James Modisette

Tidal power remains a mostly forgotten source of renewable energy. Historical record indicate that tidal power was first used in the middle ages to power tidal mills on the shores of present-day England, France, and Spain. By 1824 it was being used for pumping part of London’s water supply. With the Industrial Revolution and development of cheap power from fossil-fired power plants, tidal power was not able to compete and quickly disappeared. Although it still may not be able to compete with fossil fuels, tidal power represents an additional renewable energy source that can provide clean sustainable energy. La Rance, the exemplary tidal facility, has been reliable. It has been providing 240 megawatts for the past 40 years. After an era of cheap fossil fuels, there has been significant recent development of tidal stream generators around the world, and once again the future of tidal power is looking bright.

Essentially all major technical obstacles for large-scale tidal barrage power generation projects have been resolved. A number of small and experimental tidal power plants have been constructed around the world to demonstrate the feasibility of the technology. These facilities mostly generate less than ten megawatts, but there is a facility producing 240 megawatts. The most remarkable aspects of tidal power as an energy source are that it is renewable, emits zero pollution during operation, has no fuel costs, and does not suffer from the unpredictability of wind and solar power production.

Why then has this resource
been left unexploited? Because like all large power production techniques tidal power runs into NIMBY attitudes and requires large initial capital investments. The tidal industry, which once consisted entirely of low head potential turbines, has been forced to revamp itself and return in the form of tidal stream generators. These generators are small (on the order of a single megawatt),cheap, easily dispatchable, and have been deployed in small scale tests by those who hope they will soon be expanded into large-scale power producing installations at economically viable costs. The history of tidal stream generators is short, yet in an age of increased attention to climate change they present the possibility of contributing significantly to energy production in some regions. It is estimated that the potential for tida
l stream generation in the U.K. is in the range of ten gigawatts, which would meet about a quarter of the U.K.’s electricity demand.

Design Basics

There are two general categories for tidal power generators. Those that rely on geographical
features and barrages to create low-head potential energy, and those that use the kinetic energy in fast moving tidal currents.

The single-basin schem
e relies on low head potential energy. It is the simplest solution to generating power from tidal flow and consists of a barrage which is built across the entry to an estuarie. Embedded within the barrages are both sluices and turbines.

In single-effect schemes, figure 1(a), the sluice gates are opened during a rising tide to
allow the basin to fill. At high tide the sluice gates are closed. Then there is a short waiting period while a potential head – a small one, between the basin level and the ocean develops. The turbines then use the head to generate power just as any low head hydro-plant would. This process is termed “ebb generation,” as power is only produced on the ebb flow of the tide.

An obvious possible improvement to the single-effect mode is to generate power on the
flood tide as well as the ebb tide using double-effect mode, figure 1(b). In this case, the
sluice gates are again closed at high tide, a head is developed, and the ebb power generation
occurs. As the ebb tide begins to weaken and the head shrinks again, the turbines are shut down and the sluice gates are once again opened. By low tide the basin level is equal to the ocean level and the sluice gates can be close. The double-effect turbines then generate power during the flood tide. The double-effect mode’s primary improvement is that it provides power for almost twice the time as single-effect mode. Unfortunately, there are some limiting side effects to double-effect mode. Toward the end of each ebb and flood cycle the sluice gates must be opened to allow for the necessary head to be built up for the next period of power generation after there is a change in flow direction. This leads to “waste” water flow during each cycle. The waste water combined with the generally lower heads for each flow direction and the inefficiencies due to two-way turbines, means that there is not a dramatic increase in power generation. In addition, double-effect generation is about ten percent more expensive per unit of electricity than single-effect generation. Although there is an added cost and complexity with double-effect power generation, it could very easily be worthwhile to help integrate tidal power into an existing grid by providing more of the base-load power the grid demands. Both single-effect and double-effect power generation systems can be advanced with the addition of pumping to augment the tidal flow. In single-effect mode, for instance, water could be pumped to increase the basin level above high-tide level when the basin and sea levels were nearly equal, that pumped water could be used later for power generation at a greater head level. Under very low heads, the turbines would operate in pumping mode to overfill the basin and then in subsequent power generation the head would be higher and more power would be taken out than was put into the system. This would be like a pumped storage system with an efficiency greater than one. Pumping could be used to play a role in creating consistent power generation by maintaining a more uniform head (preferably at the design head level for the turbines), particularly at facilities that have significant fluctuations in neap-to-spring tidal ranges. Pumping could also be used to delay power production to align it with peak grid power demand. Pumping adds a great deal of flexibility to a single-basin scheme.

Even with double-effect mode and pumping, single-basin schemes will always suffer from an inability to perfectly provide constant base power to the grid. A relatively simple solution, first proposed by Decoeur is the double-basin scheme which is shown in figure 2(a). For the double basin system, there are two basins separated by barrages from the ocean and each other. Each basin would be connected to the ocean by a set of sluices and one basin would serve as the high basin and the other as the low basin. In Decoeur’s design the turbines would be within the barrage separating the two basins and would generate power constantly and always in the direction from high to low. In order to maintain the highest head, the smaller of the two basins would be deemed
the high basin as shown in figure 2 (a). Shortly after high tide, when the high basin is at sea level, the sluices would be closed. The high basin would then be emptied through the turbines into the low basin, which would be closed to the ocean until it was at the same level as the ocean. The lower basin’s sluices would then be opened until low tide. In this process constant power is generated and it is possible to plan ahead for peak demand by delaying the use of the high basin level and developing a higher than normal head. Using this method, the double-basin scheme can be used for base load or parts of peak demand, making it a more adaptable tidal scheme.

Unfortunately, linked double-basin schemes typically have higher capital costs than single-basin schemes per kilowatt hour. They require more barrages to be built and more sluiceways to maintain the basin level. They also have more specific costal configuration needs which may not always be feasible. Finallly, their total energy production would be lower than that of a single-basin scheme using either of the basins. The benefit of constant power generation must be offset by the added costs and complexities of the double-basin scheme. In assessing the tidal power future in the USSR in 1990 Bernstein found that “employment of double basin schemes, and even improved ones in the recent design of the Severn TPP, has been rejected because the benefit-cost ratio proved to be less than one.” With the limitations of the above double-basin scheme, it may make more sense to pair the geographical features of the double basin as two single basins as shown in figure 2 (b). The paired single basins, or paired-basin system, would provide the flexibility to either provide maximum energy production with both basins in ebb flow production, or operate one facility in the ebb flow and the other in flood flow. Thus, the two paired basins can be operated to maintain a more uniform production based on needs. In the most basic implementation, uniform production would never be perfect as there would always be periods at low and high tides when the head would not be sufficient for power generation, but with combined pumping the paired-basin scheme could be used to provide a constant base power load.

There is one particularly interesting geographical site for a double-basin scheme on the
southern coast of Argentina. The Valdez Peninsula’s configuration has two gulfs on either side of it, the San Jose Gulf and the Nuevo Gulf. The unique feature of this peninsula is that although there is only a six kilometer isthmus separating the gulfs there is almost a half-period of tidal difference between them. This geographical feature could be used as either a paired-basin scheme, where both basins would operate at the more efficient ebb flow, or as a linked-basin scheme with a channel dredged through the isthmus.

Be sure to keep following this series, the next portion of this paper will feature kinetic energy turbines.

A New Year and a New Article Series!!!

Hello All,

Its been a pretty good year for 13SEAS(!) and we're pretty excited about the next one too. We're looking forward to making lots of improvements this next year, so keep a lookout.

This past term I was lucky enough to take 2.65 Sustainable Energy, a graduate course that is designed to give students an overview of sustainable energy technologies and the issues and problems which surround them. It actually goes by a lot of names including 10.391J, 22.811J, ESD166J, 11.371J, 1.818J, 3.564J and 2.65J. We talked about a lot of interesting things, did a couple of p-sets, and had a test, but then we had the opportunity to research, write a paper, and make a presentation on a topic of our choice.

Several people in the class wrote on ocean-related topics and were kind enough to allow me the use of their papers. Over the next few weeks I'm going to be posting these papers on the blog so that more people can learn about this exciting area of our field. I know that writing my paper made me interested in a whole new area of ocean engineering!

I'm going to post a big chunk of the first one because I'll be away for the next week with the swimming team.

Happy New Year and Happy Reading,
Rachel Price
13SEAS Reporter

P.S. Be sure to make good use of your IAP and if you do something OE related, send me some pictures or a quick paragraph!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Best OE Related Comic Ever!

This comic can be found at:

There is additional test if you roll over it on the website, which reads "Hit me matey one more time" !!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Revealing New Frontiers Using Side Scan Sonar

On October 14, 2008 the MIT Museum will present a side scan sonar exhibit reception and talk with Martin Klein (MIT Class of 1962). Klein recently assisted the MIT Museum with a unique exhibit about U.S. Navy and MIT involvement in side scan sonar development. Klein was a key pioneer in the commercial development of side scan sonar in the 1960s, and has been a life-long participant in developing this technology to explore earth’s vast underwater world. Klein will discuss his role in ocean exploration beginning with his association with MIT Professor Harold Edgerton, founding Klein Associates and leading the development of ocean search and survey technology.

Klein will also discuss the present importance of side scan sonar and related acoustic technologies for energy, environment and security. Klein will explain why the frontiers for exciting careers in ocean research and discovery have never been greater nor more important for humanity. [images courtesy Martin Klein and L3Com-Klein Associates]

Where: MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA
When: Tuesday October 14, 2008 [Red Line to Central Square - Free parking MIT Windsor St. lot]Exhibit Reception with Martin Klein 5:30 – 6:30 Talk by Martin Klein: 6:30 - 7:30
Contact: Kurt Hasselbalch, kurt@mit.edu, 617-253-5942

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More Exciting Times!!!

COPUS Mixer/Science Outreach Night @ MIT Museum

The Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) and the MIT Museum invite everyone associated with MIT Ocean Engineering to an evening of networking, science outreach, and fun. Come hear about plans for the COPUS 2009 Year of Science and learn how you can get involved. Featuring over two dozen science outreach organizations from MIT and across the Greater Boston area. If you are a science educator, a researcher, or just interested in the public understanding of science, this is the event of the season. With videos, presentations, posters, handouts, demos, performances, and more. Open bar, snacks, and music, too.

FREE and open to all. No alcohol will be served without ID.

Sponsors: MIT Museum, COPUS-Boston Hub

For more information, contact:
museuminfo@mit.edu or 617-253-5927

THIS FRIDAY from 5:00-8:00 P.M.

Presenters include:

Biogen Idec Community Lab
BU School of Medicine CityLab
Cambridge Science Festival
Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT
Classroom Encounters
COSEE-New England
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Life
Ginkgo BioWorks
Global Poverty Initiative at MIT
HMS Office for Diversity and Community Partnership
Middle East Education through Technology
MIT Center for Materials Science and Engineering
MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
MIT Public Service Center
MIT Sea Grant College Program
MIT Teacher Ed Program
NOVA scienceNOW
Science Club for Girls
Tech and Culture Forum at MIT
Understanding Science

Hope to see a lot of you there!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Could you be an Engineer-Diver?

On Thursday, October 2nd Mr. Rocelio Morales-Garcia will be giving a presentation at 12pm in 5-314. The talk in entitled "Engineer-Diver: A new frontier for engineers".

The idea of engineers performing their work underwater (either offshore or inland) is getting more relevance these days; the near future announces new challenges waiting in the deep. Therefore, it is important to prepare the next generation of engineers that will research, develop and implement solutions in this new frontier. A commercial diving training might be the first step to lead the way to this goal, providing a safer and powerful tool. This seminar will explain the concept, importance and possibilities of this new profession.

Mr. Morales-Garcia is a Metallurgical Engineer (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2001),
Professional Commercial Diver (Divers Institute of Technology, 2001) and a Master in Physics of Non Destructive Testing (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2008). He was a guest student in Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) with Prof. Hanumant Singh in 2008, and will be an International Guest at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) working in Underwater Augmented Reality starting in 2009. He is also a member of the ADCI Engineering-Diving Committee, IEEE, and MTS. His research is concerned with the design and development of underwater visual inspection systems for commercial diving, ROVs, and AUVs applications. He is also interested in ways to improve the visibility and work conditions for divers and of course in the development and promotion of the Engineer-Diver profession.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

13Seas Wins the MTS Outstanding Student Section Award

The Marine Technology Society’s Student Section at MIT (13Seas) was honored with the Outstanding Student Section Award at the society’s annual Awards Luncheon September 16 during the OCEANS’08 MTS/IEEE Quebec City Conference in Canada. MTS is an international organization of marine scientists, technicians, educators and policy makers. This is the third year in a row the section has won the award.

The student section, through its website, newsletter and e-mail, keeps its members posted on events, highlights student research and offers students a tight community to further their success. This year the section coordinated several sessions with companies interested in hiring students. The section continues to increase undergraduate participation in events, and this year the leadership is dominated by undergraduates, including one freshman.

The Marine Technology Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit professional society. Incorporated in 1963, it provides the ocean community with forums for the exchange of information and ideas through its peer-reviewed MTS Journal, conferences, newsletter, website (www.mtsociety.org), technical interest groups and local section activities.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Making Waves Goes Digital

After many successful years as a newsletter, the officers of 13SEAS found themselves searching for a way to improve our humble publication. We wanted to make it more interactive, more fun, and more modern, as well as increasing readership and publication frequency. The new blog format exemplified by this post is the outcome of these interests.
We're still going to feature articles about research and life in MIT Ocean Engineering, but we think that this new format will be a great improvement. Now, we can publish articles when they are the most timely rather than having to coordinate the timing of several articles. We plan to offer links to sites where you can read more about the articles we feature, a section where you can read about and contact our sponsors, and a place for posting things that are just generally cool. Plus, you'll be able to post comments about our articles so you can discuss things with other readers. The plan is to periodically send out e-mail reminders whenever we accrue a substantial amount of new content, but you should still bookmark us and check in regularly. Heck, you could even make us your homepage, we'd be very flattered.
If you'd like us to post something or feature something, just e-mail MakingWavesBlog@gmail.com and expect to hear from us soon. Also, if you'd like to be placed on a mailing list which will receive notices when we post new things, e-mail us and let us know. Finally, this blog opens up a lot of new opportunities for 13SEAS, so many that we definitely haven't thought of all of its possible uses. If you've got an idea, let us know!

Rachel Price (Reporter) and your other Stalwart 13SEAS Officers

What do you think of the NEW format of Making Waves?